
Science of Life’: Ayurveda Principles for a Healthy Spring
Health General Wellness

‘Science of Life’: Ayurveda Principles for a Healthy Spring

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of being in tune with nature and working with not against the seasons.

As the wisdom of Mother Nature directs the buds to sprout and the grass to grow during the months of spring, Ayurveda, India’s ancient system of health, can help us tap into rituals for optimal health and well-being during this time of year.

For those considering embarking on a journey to better health, spring the season of fresh starts and rebirth is an excellent time to do it.

Are We Out of Balance With Nature?

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance
Ayurveda emphasizes the importance

“When the weather begins to change, it has an effect on our health and well-being,” Laurie Dean, National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA)-certified Ayurvedic practitioner, told in an interview.

Ayurveda translates to the “science of life” and was laid out over 5,000 years ago in Vedic texts as comprehensive teachings on preserving and maintaining health.

One of Ayurveda’s primary doctrines is that humans are simply a microcosm of the macrocosm. Accordingly, we respond to not only daily but also seasonal environmental changes.

This response manifests in our cravings for foods at certain times of the year.

Winter often brings longings for warm, dense, and nourishing food such as soups, stews, and breads. In the summer, one is more likely to crave hydrating and cooling foods such as watermelon, salads, and even ice cream.

Ayurveda postulates that the five elements found in nature ether (or gas), air, fire, water, and earth are also present in the human body.

Understanding how these elements emerge and interact and how the body responds to changing environments is the science of Ayurveda.

According to Ayurvedic wisdom, human nature is comprised of a mix of three combinations of elements:

  • “vata,” which combines the elements of ether and air;
  • “pitta,” which combines fire and water;
  • “kapha,” a melding of earth and water

With one usually predominant. These are known as the primary “doshas,” or constitutions.

Balancing them in accordance with the rhythms of nature is the key to ultimate physiological, mental, and spiritual health.

“Nature has always brought us our medicine and our food,” Kathryn Templeton, licensed professional counsellor and NAMA-certified Ayurvedic practitioner, told.

“Now, it’s different,” she pointed out. “We’re out of relationship to nature.” Food typically only grown in summer, like strawberries, can now be procured any time of the year, as can foods not native to our land.

According to Ayurvedic principles, not eating what nature offers during specific times of the year can cause digestive troubles and, eventually, can even lead to disease if imbalances aren’t addressed early enough.

Templeton commented that these days, most people are also nourishing themselves less while eating more, contributing to chronic diseases such as obesity.

“All your senses eat; they all nourish,” she said. Nourishing yourself should be a sensory experience.

According to Templeton, “Food has to look appetizing, it needs to smell appetizing, and it needs to taste appetizing.”

She also claims eating with your hands a practice many cultures continue is a much more satisfying experience.

Aligning Habits with the Sun

Ayurveda Principles for a Health
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Many modern health experts are putting a new spin on some of the core tenets of Ayurveda and marketing them as something new, such as intermittent fasting.

Theoretically, eating should cease by the time the sun goes down. “We don’t need food after that,” claimed Templeton.

Eating according to circadian rhythms when the sun sets and rises also naturally allows for an extended fasting period.

Deep sleep allows the body to rest, repair, and digest thoughts and emotions. It cannot do this well or efficiently if it is too busy digesting a large, heavy meal.

Studies have shown that a delayed evening routine can lead to altered circadian rhythms and metabolic dysfunction.

A Fresh Start for the Season

Spring is the season of birth and is “the most lush, the ripest, the most growth-oriented time of the year,” Templeton said.

It is also a vital time of transition, and altering our diets and daily habits is crucial to managing the change and thriving.

Dean offered some tips to take advantage of this time of year and its opportunity for renewal.

First, wake up earlier. This may be more difficult in the early days of spring, particularly when the clocks spring ahead and it can still be dark at 7 a.m.

Ayurveda emphasizes
Spring into Spring!

However, waking up before 6 a.m. will help the body and mind feel more energized.

If you’re not a morning person, Dean recommends starting slowly. Set the alarm 15 minutes earlier than your usual wake-up time for a few days and incrementally build up until you reach the prescribed goal.

As spring moves, your body will begin syncing with the earlier sunrise.

Dean also recommends moving in the morning to revitalize your body and observe and appreciate the change in the environment around you.

As for diet, spring can call for incorporating lighter foods. Favouring foods with pungent, astringent, and bitter tastes will help the body eliminate the heaviness and dampness of winter.

Darker, leafy sprouts, such as nettles and dandelion, are naturally cleansing and can be made into teas.  Dean likes starting the day with Tulsi tea (also known as holy basil) with a small amount of honey.

Tulsi, described as the “Queen of Herbs,” has a gentle heating effect and helps clear excess heaviness from the lungs and respiratory tract.

Honey has a scraping effect while offering sweetness and digestive support.

Mustard greens, arugula, spinach, kale, and asparagus are excellent choices.

Dean also suggests adding small amounts of ginger, fresh garlic, black pepper, or cayenne pepper to dishes to “provide a spark to help enliven your palate and yourself.”


While shifting the daily diet to one more synergistic with the season is encouraged, a more focused, intense cleanse may be necessary, given today’s fast-paced culture and disconnection from nature.

Ayurveda’s specific detoxification and rejuvenation protocol is known as “panchakarma,” which means “five therapies.”

It can be undergone for as few as three days and up to a month and typically includes special herbs, daily location the ingestion of oils to help loosen and remove toxins from the tissues, and other cleansing therapies.

Dean encourages those who wish to take advantage of the season to embrace better health to “take the time to reflect on what that would look and feel like for you.

Then take steps to adopt a fresh seasonal routine that will help you move into the revitalized nature of spring.”

What is ayurveda?

Ayurveda or ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest medical systems, dating back to its origin in India 5,000 years ago.

Ayurveda utilizes natural and holistic practices to support physical, mental, and emotional health.

The term “ayurveda” is derived from Sanskrit and means “science of life” and supports the idea that everything in life is interconnected.

As such, ayuredic principles include a relationship between health and wellness as dependent upon the achievement of balance and harmony.

Conceptually, a person who is imbalanced or experiencing stress is more likely to develop diseases.

This response manifests in our cravings for foods at certain times of the year.
This response manifests in our cravings for foods at certain times of the year.

Ayush System of Medicine Become Popular in many Countries

With increasing awareness about fitness, health, and changing lifestyle, the demand for Ayush Systems especially Ayurveda & Yoga has increased internationally.

The United Nation declaration of 21st June as International Day of Yoga marks the relevance and significance of Ayush systems as an important intervention for ensuring the well-being of the entire global community.

Ayurveda is recognized as a System of Medicine in Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, UAE, Bangladesh, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Hungary, Malaysia, Mauritius, Serbia, Tanzania, Switzerland, Cuba and Brazil.

Romania, Hungary, Latvia, Serbia and Slovenia are 5 countries of the European Union (EU), where Ayurvedic Practices is regulated.

The Unani system is recognized in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bahrain, UAE and Tanzania.

The Siddha system is recognized in Sri Lanka and Malaysia.

The Sowa Rigpa system is recognized in Bhutan and Mongolia.

The Homoeopathy system is recognized in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Oman, UAE, Russia and Tanzania.

It is well-regulated in Ghana, Chile, Colombia, Romania, Turkey, Ontario (Canada) and is integrated into National Health Policy in the UK.

Ayush products are being exported to more than 100 foreign countries either as Medicine or as Food Supplement.

The Ministry of Ayush starts various initiatives for international promotion:

  • Propagation and global acceptability of Ayush systems such as Bilateral & Multilateral negotiations with different countries to initiate various steps for trade facilitation
  • Recognition to Ayush System, establishing a dedicated Ayush Export Promotion Council (AEPC) for promoting export of Ayush products/ Medicines/Services
  • Support to Industry & Hospitals for participation in International Exhibitions, deputation of experts to various countries establishing quality standards by collaborating with International Agencies like WHO, ISO etc.,
  • Encouraging outbound investment, establishing International Ayush Institutes
  • Offering scholarships to foreign nationals for pursuing Ayush courses in India, etc.

As of now, there is no plan to set up separate Universities for each of the disciplines of Ayush in the country.

However, National Institute of Ayurveda (NIA), Jaipur under Ministry of Ayush has been granted the status of Institute deemed to be university by University Grants Commission (UGC).

Govt of India is actively propagating and popularizing all the stream of Ayush amongst all age groups especially youth in the country through its various initiatives e.g. Celebrating National as well as International Day of Yoga, Ayurveda, Homeopathic, Unani etc.

National/State level health & Wellness outreach programs like viz. Swasthya Rakshan Program, Arogya-melas, Health camps, exhibitions, AYU SAMVAD campaign program, etc.

Enhancing the capacity of Ayush Academics, Services and Product Sector e.g. Operationalization of 12500 Ayush health and wellness centres in the country etc.

Disseminating authentic information about Ayush System social media like facebook, twitter, youtube, print media in national newspapers, audio jingles and video documentary films & TV shows, developing mobile applications.


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