
First week of Trump hush money trial ends with full jury selected

Full jury selected- 1st week of Trump hush money trial


Full jury selected- 1st week of Trump hush money trial

The first week of Donald Trump’s hush money trial in New York wrapped up Friday afternoon. A full jury has been selected, including alternates, and the proceedings are expected to resume Monday with opening statements.

Jury selection concluded Friday afternoon with five alternate jurors getting selected.

They joined the 12 jurors and one alternate who had already been picked, giving the trial its full panel.

Then, the proceedings continued Friday with a hearing that debated what topics Trump could be asked about, if he chooses to testify.

The judge said he will rule on that by Monday.

Full jury  set

Full jury selected
Four women and one man were added to the jury on Friday as five of the six alternates for the case.

Four women and one man were added to the jury on Friday as five of the six alternates for the case.

They will sit in the jury box and will hear the duration of the trial, but they will only be put on the jury should one or more of the 12 jurors be excused from the case.

The final additions to the jury included a woman from Spain, a native New Yorker who is a fan of martial arts, a contract specialist, a woman who works for a clothing company, and a project manager for a construction company.

All 18 of the jurors will meet as a group for the first time on Monday morning when the trial is set to begin.

Five of the jurors came from an initial panel of 96 that was sworn in Monday, while the rest came from a second panel that did not begin answering questions until Thursday morning.

The fourth day of jury selection played out similarly to the first three.

Prosecutors focused their questions in the case on preparing the jurors to accept testimony from less-than-favourable witnesses, like Michael Cohen.

Trump’s attorneys, meanwhile, were almost singularly focused on a single question: What did jurors think about Donald Trump?

The former president appeared less interested in the proceedings during much of the questioning by the district attorney’s office,

sitting back in his chair and fiddling with papers.

But when his lawyers began asking jurors what they thought of him, the former president was turned toward the jury box, paying full attention.

Final round of juror questions highlights emotional decision for potential jurors

Full jury selected
Final round of juror questions highlights emotional decision for potential jurors

There were several emotional moments during Friday morning’s questioning of potential jurors,

with two jurors telling the judge in the middle of voir dire they no longer felt they could serve.

One female prospective juror who works in sales for a trading company began crying

when she was handed the microphone during the voir dire process.

“I’m sorry. I thought I could do this. I wouldn’t want someone who feels this way to judge my case either,” she said, adding:

“This is so much more stressful than I thought.”

Merchan invited her to come up to the bench to talk privately. He then excused her.

At one point after that jury had left, another juror raised her hand and told the court

she started feeling “high anxiety” as she sat and listened to a line of questioning about the credibility of witnesses.

The woman said she was feeling “anxiety and self-doubt” as she asked to approach the bench.

She too was excused.

Everyone in the jury pool had the chance to be excused at the outset if they felt they could not be fair and impartial in this case,

without further questioning by the judge.

The jurors who took part in voir dire on Friday had known that Trump was the defendant in the case since Tuesday,

giving them several days to weigh what it would be like to be on the historic panel before having to step into the jury box.

But the excused jurors along with an empaneled juror who was excused earlier in the week after she expressed concerns

that part of her identity was made public underscored how heavily trying a former president weighs on the justice system.

Trump is still trying to stop his trial

Trump is still trying to stop his trial
Trump is still trying to stop his trial

Despite seating a jury, Trump’s legal team again tried to stop the trial in its tracks with another strategic appeal.

The move shows how Trump lawyers are likely to continue to try to throw up procedural roadblocks in the criminal trial,

even as it’s already gotten underway.

In a new motion filed Friday morning, Trump’s lawyers once again asked an appeals court to temporarily halt the trial until it ruled on

Trump’s appeal to move the venue of the hush money trial out of Manhattan.

Attorney Cliff Robert argued on Trump’s behalf at a hastily scheduled hearing Friday afternoon.

Robert, speaking in a different courtroom from where the trial was ongoing, told the judge that seating a jury in three days

with so many potential jurors being dismissed for cause over bias is “untenable.”

Trump unsuccessfully appealed with the same request for a stay over the change of venue motion last week.

The DA’s team argued at that point that the motion was premature because jury selection hadn’t happened yet.

Robert said Friday that he had rightfully returned to renew Trump’s request since a jury had been empaneled.

Robert also pointed to the woman who asked to be dismissed on Thursday following media attention.

Trump’s lawyer argued that the juror’s fears proved it’s unfair for Trump to be tried in the city due to the publicity surrounding the former president.

The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office Chief of Appeals Steven Wu argued the record actually showed that “jury selection has worked.”

There’s been a “robust process,” he said, to ensure jurors can be fair and root out potentially biased jurors.

A hearing on Trump’s gag order violations set for Tuesday

A hearing on Trump’s gag order violations set for Tuesday
A hearing on Trump’s gag order violations set for Tuesday

Despite Trump’s attempts to delay, opening statements in his criminal trial will begin Monday morning.

Then the trial will fully shift into details about Trump’s alleged affair with an adult film star

and the hush-money payment made to her in the run-up to the 2016 election.

Prosecutors will lay out the theory of their case, followed by Trump’s attorneys summarizing their arguments against the charges.

After that, the first witness will be called.

Prosecutors haven’t said who it will be – saying they don’t want to see Trump posting about any witnesses ahead of time.

On Tuesday, the morning will shift to Trump’s discussion of witnesses in the case,

as Merchan plans to hold a hearing on social media posts by the former president that prosecutors say violated his gag order.

They’re asking the judge to fine Trump $1,000 per post and remind him

that violations of the gag order could result in imprisonment.


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