
Contrary to popular belief, more willpower and more self restraint are not the answer to weight loss.
General Health Wellness

Why Willpower + Self Discipline Will Not Help You in Weight Loss

Contrary to popular belief, more willpower and more self-restraint are not the answer to weight loss.

Here’s the thing.

Unlocking the Secrets of Metabolism: Effective Strategies for Sustainable Weight Loss
Unlocking the Secrets of Metabolism: Effective Strategies for Sustainable Weight Loss

When we attach ourselves to a specific way of eating, or to a specific diet, and then hold judgment around that way of eating, we inevitably set ourselves up for failure.

For example, if you believe eating low carb is good, then you also believe that when you eat low carb you’re being good.

And when you don’t eat low carb, that’s not good (aka it’s bad), which means you’re bad and that judgement usually comes partnered with shame, guilt, and a good internal beat up session that can look something like this:

What’s wrong with me? Why did I do that?  What’s the point?   I’m never going to lose this weight…. etc.!

And it’s in this exact space that overeating is very likely to happen.

In many ways, we turn to food to comfort ourselves from the self-created negative emotions that are a result of the way we are thinking about ourselves and our food.

The more stringent the rules, the more attachment we have to our diet, the more likely we are to fall off the wagon. Because let’s be honest, nothing is ever perfect in life.

But after we crash and burn, the first thing a dieter thinks is that this is simply a willpower issue.

We think, “All I need is some more willpower or some more self-restraint and then I’ll be able to lose the weight”.

But, what if what we actually needed was a little more ease and curiosity?

What if instead of eating to follow the rules, we ate in a way that would bring us pleasure and make our bodies feel good?

As someone who has spent many years trying to understand and unlearn the diet mentality, what I know for sure is that the more we try to control and the harder we grip the faster and harder we crash and burn.

The Role of Metabolism in Weight Management:

Metabolism, the complex process by which the body converts food into energy
Metabolism, the complex process by which the body converts food into energy

Metabolism, the complex process by which the body converts food into energy, plays a pivotal role in weight management.

From a medical perspective, understanding how metabolism functions is essential for individuals aiming to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Here’s a closer look at the significance of metabolism in the context of weight management.

  1. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): BMR represents the calories your body requires at rest to maintain basic physiological functions, such as breathing and cell production. A higher BMR often allows for more efficient weight management.
  2. Influencing Factors: Several factors influence metabolism, including age, gender, genetics, and muscle mass. As individuals age, metabolism tends to slow down, emphasizing the importance of lifestyle adjustments to counteract this natural process.
  3. Caloric Expenditure: Regular physical activity enhances metabolism by burning calories and increasing lean muscle mass. Incorporating both aerobic exercises and strength training into your routine can positively impact metabolism.
  4. Dietary Choices: Certain foods, such as those rich in protein, can temporarily boost metabolism due to the energy required for digestion. Adopting a well-balanced diet, including metabolism-boosting foods, is integral to effective weight management.
  5. Medical Interventions: In some cases, medical interventions may be considered to address metabolic imbalances. Consultation with healthcare professionals can provide insights into potential medical solutions for individuals facing challenges in weight management.
  6. Hormonal Influence: Hormones, such as thyroid hormones and insulin, directly impact metabolism. Imbalances in these hormones can contribute to weight management difficulties and should be addressed under medical guidance.

Metabolism serves as a cornerstone in weight management from a medical perspective.

A comprehensive approach that combines a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and, when necessary, medical interventions can help individuals optimize their metabolism for effective and sustainable weight management.

Consulting with healthcare professionals ensures personalized strategies aligned with individual health needs and goals.

Ayurvedic Tips for Weight Loss:

Ayurvedic Tips for Weight Loss
Ayurvedic Tips for Weight Loss

Weight loss is a concern for all of us. But it is also important to follow an accurate system of weight loss techniques in a bid to not lose too many nutrients from the body.

Weight loss should always be consistent and effectively healthy and hence to achieve that one needs to follow an Ayurvedic system which helps in promoting health, balance and longevity through few simple guidelines.

Ayurvedic weight loss is always unfailing, constant and reliable and also very easy to follow.

Ayurvedic tips for weight loss can naturally guide towards holistic and healthy living without the usage of chemical or processed foods or fad diets that do more harm than helping us.

Ayurvedic Weight Loss Tips:


Lemon water is a naturally detoxifying ingredient that does immense benefit for the body if consumed regularly.

Ayurvedic Tips for Weight Loss
Ayurvedic Tips for Weight Loss

Drinking a large glass of lemon juice with warm water daily in the morning not only helps in boosting the digestive system but also aids weight loss.

Lemon has purifying properties that along with warm water enhances the metabolism and helps break fat easily.

It also gives a fresh start to the day, making you feel energized and light.


One should exercise daily in order to remain fit.

According to the ayurvedic way to lose weight, one needs to sweat in order to fasten the process of being able-bodied and vigorous.

According to ayurvedic practitioners, one needs to do 45-60 minutes of daily training or yoga activity that increases metabolic activity in the body.

A healthy ayurvedic diet along with exercise or yoga is peaceful not just for the body, but also for the mind and soul.


In ancient times, the saints used to meditate in order to remain fit physically and mentally.


In today’s fast paced times when stress and depression takes over, most people overeat and do not realize its ill effects till they put on a lot of weight.

Hence, it is very important to do at least 10 minutes of light yoga, meditation or mind and body relaxing techniques that keep you happy and calm.

This helps alleviate stress and hence helps body in losing weight naturally.


If you are wondering how to lose weight in ayurveda, you need to know that the practice always involves eating healthy and regularly.

Always have three meals a day, comprising seasonal fruits and vegetables without unhealthy snacking.

Food is always considered a fast-burning fuel for the body and should be consumed well in time for it to be digested properly.

Always have a heavy breakfast, between 8 am to 9.30 am, mid-sized lunch around noon with lots of vegetables, grains and meat and very light dinner before 7.30 pm comprising of soups and salads for best digestion process as the digestion power is low at night.

Once you learn to totally eliminate unhealthy snacking, it will be easier to concentrate towards losing weight in a healthy manner.

And if you really feel like having snacks, it is best to eat fruits or dry fruits instead of fried chips or namkeen.

The digestive intent is also tough and most proficient when it can fully digest one meal before being asked to digest anything else.

Therefore, it is best to have a time gap between meals by least four hours.


The best ayurvedic way to lose weight is by eating seasonally and according to the region one belongs to.

In hot and sultry summers, one needs to eat high-carbohydrate diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables keeping us breezy and energized.

Winters are perfect for root vegetables, seeds, nuts, meats and cheeses to shield us from the cold.

During the rains and monsoon, green leafy vegetables and sprouts help in detoxifying us.

Eating according to seasons and regions help in faster digestion and great absorption of nutrients by the body. Know more about Ritucharya – Seasonal Regimen.


Meals generally tend to make us lethargic or sleepy.

But for a healthy weight loss it is important to take short walks after each meal in order to fasten the process of digestion.

Why Your Hunger Cues After a Tough Workout Might Not Be Reliable
Why Your Hunger Cues After a Tough Workout Might Not Be Reliable

It also causes water retention, which is the root cause of many diseases as well.

Eating a kapha inclusive diet helps to clear out many toxins from the body and boosts metabolism.

Make sure to choose foods that are freshly prepared and seasonally appropriate over processed, cold or stale foods.

It is also very important to know that ayurvedic way to lose weight does not mean you have to give up your favourite foods.

The key is to eat everything in moderation to maintain a balance.

This process takes time and it is important to be both patient and persistent Meditation is one of the most important ayurvedic ways to lose weight that also puts us in a more alert and attentive frame of mind, helping in being better decision makers throughout the day.

Detoxification in Ayurveda for Weight Loss

Detoxification plays a pivotal role in weight loss according to Ayurveda.

The accumulation of toxins disrupts metabolic processes and contributes to weight gain.

Ayurvedic detox methods aim to eliminate these toxins and restore the body’s balance.

According to the constitution of a patient, detox procedures are advised.

Vaman or emesis is a commonly used procedure in obesity management as it works of Kapha dosha.

It also helps in obesity which is coupled with hypothyroidism and PCOD.

Virechana or purgation is rarely used if the patient is not eligible for Vamana and needs detox or has a pitta constitution.

Basti or medicated enema is also widely used for this purpose with a specific combination of herbs.

Managing High Cholesterol with Ayurveda

Obesity often coincides with high cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of heart disease. Ayurveda offers natural approaches to manage cholesterol and mitigate this risk.

Ayurvedic practices for managing high cholesterol include:

  • Following a heart-healthy diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins like fish and legumes.
  • Incorporating cholesterol-lowering herbs and spices such as garlic, turmeric, and cinnamon into meals.
  • Engaging in regular physical activity and practising yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises) to enhance circulation and reduce stress.

It is crucial to remember that Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine, and effectively managing obesity or high cholesterol necessitates a comprehensive approach that encompasses lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, herbal remedies, and regular exercise.


Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to managing obesity and promoting weight loss.

By addressing the underlying causes of weight gain, balancing doshas, and adopting a healthy lifestyle, Ayurveda aims to achieve sustainable weight loss and overall well-being.

However, it is important to seek guidance from a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner who can customize the treatment plan according to individual needs and ensure safe and effective management of obesity and related conditions.

Embracing the wisdom of Ayurveda can lead you on a journey towards a healthier, happier you.

It also needs to keep in mind that, losing too much weight in a short period of the span is unhealthy and can lead to various long-term side effects and one should avoid the ‘trending’ ideas which are heavily advertised the TV commercials or social media.

Remember, consistency and patience are key when it comes to weight loss and incorporating Ayurvedic practices.

Start by making small changes in your diet and lifestyle, gradually integrating Ayurvedic principles into your routine.

With dedication and a balanced approach, you can achieve your weight loss goals and enjoy a healthier life with Ayurveda.




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